Sunday, April 17, 2011


There was a PowWow  on March 12. A PowWow is a Native American festival.  Native Americans showed their traditional dance. The dance was so different from Japanese dances. They haven’t an expression and they were dancing with fixed music. Their clothes were so novel. Also they didn't show any facial expressions. So everyone said they are so scary. The PowWow is a good event.  The PowWow has many things that Japanese can learn about it. Because there’re not such as PowWow event. People can’t learn about Native Americans in Japan.  And there are many traditional shops. They were many interesting things. 
For example, For example, look at this instrument. This is looks like a bug.  But this is instrument like a maracas. 
And this picture is a dreamcatcher. This makes it possible to have good dreams.  The PowWow was such a good experience. 


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  4. These are very interesting photos.
